
Pizzato Elettrica position switches are daily installed in every type of industrial machinery, in elevators, in the medicinal or naval sectors, all over in the world, in applications ranging from desert to Iceland. In order to be used in a such wide variety of sectors and countries, Pizzato Elettrica position switches are made to be assembled in a lot of configurations. Nine basic shapes for bodies, dozens of contact blocks, hundreds of actuators and materials, forces, assembling versions. The product range that Pizzato Elettrica can offer in the field of position switches is one of the widest in the world. Moreover, the use of high quality materials, high reliability technologies as twin bridge contact blocks and, from July 2005, the protection degree IP67, make this range of position switches one of the most technologically evolved. For lack of space it is impossible to report, even in this general Catalog, millions of codes that can be created from combinations of all switch versions. On the next pages will be introduced about 6000 basic codes of this family. Please consider that the company Pizzato Elettrica in cooperation with the main manufacturers, has developed for many years special versions of its switches, which up to now amount to more than one thousand codes. Our Technical office is at your disposal to choose the suitable product or the best solution for your survey problem.